Monday, June 22, 2009


Hi Karen- Thanks for organizing the meeting. I feel much better and it helps to be able to talk about it with people that really understand what you are going through.
hope you are feeling well.
Will typing ever not be painful.

Karen and Arthritis Women's Support Group is Growing

Dear Friends,
Thanks for coming along last Wednesday night to the Support Group. It was lovely to meet three new 'members.' We are all here to support one another. If you reach out we'll be there. The next meeting is set for Wednesday September 16. The place is yet to be confirmed.
In the mean time, we have the whole summer to relax a little and take a step back from the usual pace of New York.
Have some fun (even if it hurts)
Thanks again for your time. Helping others makes us all feel good.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hi Everyone!

What a successful couple of months. $4735 was raised by friends, family and students for the Arthritis Foundation in a series of events including the Arthritis Walk and a pajama day at school. I am so proud of the kids and their fundraising efforts. Thanks to everyone for their support.

The next KAAWS - karen and arthritis women's support group meeting is around the corner.

Where? Cibo Restaurant (try the bar area first)
767 Second Ave (@ 41St
When? Wednesday June 17, 2009
Time? 6.30 p.m.

We have new members :)

Have fun and take care of you!
