Sunday, March 08, 2009

"Lucky Man"

It is widely speculated that President Obama will sign a Bill tomorrow allowing a further research to be done on stem cells. Michael J Fox has been relentless in his efforts and campaigning in this area. It is research which may well be necessary to find a cure for chronic degenerative diseases. As he said in his book "Lucky Man." "If the potential of stem cell research is realized, it would mean an end to the suffering of millions of people-a rescue, a cure. But the potential benefits are not limited to Parkinson's. Stem cells could lead to breakthroughs in developing treatments and cures for almost any terminal or catastrophic disease you can think of." M.J. Fox, Lucky Man, Pub. Hyperion NY, p. 250


Blogger Bear said...

Finally, after almost a decade of limiting taxpayer money for research president Barrack Obama has lifted the restrictions on federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research today. Let's think of how many Americans are suffering from ailments and what this research can do for them. I'm sure everyone reading this knows someone important to them that is affected by one of these maladies such as Parkinson's, repairing spinal cord injuries as well as treating diabetes, cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and many more defects.

March 09, 2009 5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I age,It will be useful for me.

March 09, 2009 10:38 PM  

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