Saturday, October 03, 2009

Arthritis Friends Stick Together

Hi Karen,
I know sometimes I give you such an earful but I am just wondering if you know anything I can do to get past this point of pain and get back to living a fun, comfortable life. The pain is horrible and I don't want to move or be around people but the burning desire to get out in the world and have fun and socialize. Any thoughts?? I hope it is ok that I emailed you. I won't do it often, I swear but I just felt like I needed to now because your presence and spirit and your group'smeetings have helped me.

Copied in part from Karen's personal email


Anonymous Kate Ungs said...

I hope I'm not too late on my response... When I feel like I've been a Debbie Downer and I need some socializing to help my spirits I invite some friends over a good bottle of wine and a movie or a game. I'm still in the comfort of my own home but I get to see people other than my husband! And it's a relief for him too. Just a thought, hope it helps!

October 27, 2009 2:45 PM  

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